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Interfaith Preparedness and Advisory Group

About the Interfaith Preparedness & Advisory Group

The Interfaith Preparedness & Advisory Group is a new joint effort between the Mayor's Office of Religious Affairs (MORA), the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia (MPD), and the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) to encourage dialogue with the District's faith-based organizations (FBOs) in order to enhance preparedness for all types of hazards. At HSEMA, IPAG will be managed by the Office of Public Affairs and the Division of Homeland Security and Preparedness (HSP). HSEMA will facilitate content for quarterly meetings and share and disseminate information relevant to faith-based communities. 

Mission Statement

To provide a platform for FBOs to exchange information collectively and with professions concerning vulnerabilities, best practices, and preparedness measures related to their congregations and facilities. 


Grant Funding, Information, Briefings and Cybersecurity
Grant Funding Information Sharing Briefings Cybersecurity
IPAG will provide a platform for HSEMA to engage FBOs on procedures to apply for FEMA's Nonprofit Security Grant Program and other federal funding. These funds are distributed annually to build resilience and emergency preparedness at religious institutions.  HSP will field information requests from IPAG and promote two-way communication with faith-based communities. Most products will include general preparedness information, specifically related to the ReadyDC campaign.  IPAG plans to meet with FBO leaders on a quarterly basis and convene ad hoc meetings to address specific concerns, local and national developments, and all hazards threats. HSP will monitor current and emerging cyber threats impacting FBOs, helping them mitigate cyber risk. Additionally, HSP will provide training and exercises designed to strengthen and improve FBOs’ overall cybersecurity posture.

Congregations and faith-based organizations wishing to join the IPAG should email [email protected] to be added to the group.

Congregations interested in learning more about the Nonprofit Security Grant Program should click here.

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