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Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency

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Who We Are

Man in HSEMA jacket


Ensure DC agencies, businesses, and residents are prepared to prevent, protect against, respond to, mitigate, and recover from all threats and hazards. 


The District of Columbia must be ready to prevent, protect and mitigate against, respond to, and recover from all threats and hazards that may adversely impact our workforce, residents, and visitors to the Nation’s capital. In 2027, DC will be a place where residents and businesses live, work, play, and thrive in a diverse, safe, and resilient environment. District partners work together to facilitate unimpeded information sharing and an understanding of their own—and partners’—capabilities, which are brought to bear during blue sky days and emergency situations. 

In 2027, HSEMA will be the premier homeland security and emergency management agency in the country, with a strong culture of continuous innovation, creativity, respect, accountability, empowerment, and growth. This culture is fostered by supportive and established leadership, effective and efficient training, and clear, consistent program management.

Racial Equity Vision Statement 

HSEMA will collaborate with partners and residents to identify and implement racial equity initiatives that provide measurable and impactful solutions. 

As the coordinating agency for homeland security and emergency management, HSEMA envisions a District of Columbia that mitigates and minimizes the impacts of threats and hazards to historically underserved and overburdened communities and supports resilience initiatives that address longstanding challenges. 

At the same time, we know that emergencies will happen and we have the responsibility to prepare for and deliver response and recovery services that target our whole community in an equitable way throughout the District-wide emergency management program.