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Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency

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Flood Mitigation Assistance Program

Program Overview

The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program is a competitive grant program that provides funding to states, local communities, federally recognized tribes, and territories. Funds can be used for projects that reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program

Notice of Funding Opportunity: 

On October 12, 2023, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) released the recent Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The NOFO is posted on and provides detailed program information and other grant application and administration requirements. The application period to apply for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY 2023) will open on October 16th, 2023, and close at 3 p.m. Eastern Time on February 29, 2024. 

The period to submit project ideas to HSEMA is January 26th, 2024.  

Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA), as the lead hazard mitigation agency, will apply on behalf of agency partners to the FEMA for this grant funds. Homeowners and businesses cannot apply for a grant; however, an agency partner may apply for funding on their behalf. Click the additional resources for more information and deadlines. 


Vermecia Alsop | [email protected] 
DC Hazard Mitigation Officer 
DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency 
Government of the District of Columbia